Root beer and Snickers. This will be Norm Morris’ first order of business after he makes his last exhausted, exuberant step at the end of the 2200-mile Appalachian Trail. It will take him six months. Six months of living in... READ MORE
As the Scholarship Manager at Outward Bound, I have the privilege of working with some extraordinary young people. The best part of my job has to be the stories I hear — stories of why students want to go Outward... READ MORE
For many parts of the U.S., this has been a serious winter! Tons of winter storms and feet and feet of snow. Hopefully, you put my last Outward Bound Handbook Series blog to good use and built yourself a snow... READ MORE
“Play.” The dictionary defines playing as “to exercise or employ oneself in diversion, amusement, or recreation.” We don’t usually associate playing with doing good works. But, according to Outward Bound alum Trey Upsey, maybe we should. An Outward Bound Pinnacle... READ MORE
How in the world do you describe your Outward Bound experience when someone asks you, “Hey, how was your trip?” Because really, once you have taken one of these “trips” you are forever changed, and that’s hard to convey! I... READ MORE
I hate to state the obvious, but… social media is really a great way to share some interesting content! One of our devoted Twitter followers, tweeted a Sports Illustrated article on Outward Bound Professional, from 1976. Here at the Outward... READ MORE
It’s a dewy Tuesday morning in San Francisco. A class of 9th graders is out on the school’s soccer field, attempting to cross a metaphorical sea of challenges that stands between them and college acceptance. They are 20 of them,... READ MORE
Outward Bound is a life changing experience. It always has been and always will be. When you apply that power to a classroom of students, a group of local leaders, a community…. Get ready for BIG change. OB can and... READ MORE
The numbers in this post correspond to the numbers on the provided map. Please CTRL-Click on the map to view a larger version in a separate tab while you read along. Map of the Northern Washington’s Pasayten Wilderness with... READ MORE
The time has come for our next installment of handy tips and techniques for winter camping and outdoor activities. Today, we are exploring snow caves and igloos. When I was a kid, I remember setting out to build an igloo... READ MORE
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