Picture this: Sailing on a 30-foot sailboat. With like-minded peers. And the best instructors in the business. All on postcard-perfect Bahamas water. More than just a sun-soaked ocean adventure, the Bahamas Sailing Expedition is an invaluable learning experience. You’ll master sailing... READ MORE
The holidays are generally a time to relax and spend time with family and friends. In addition to this notion, we also believe that the holidays are the perfect time to plan your next big adventure. Therefore, the staff, Instructors and... READ MORE
Whether it’s traveling from the Colorado Rockies to Ecuador; Florida Keys to Brazil; or from the Blue Ridge Mountains to Patagonia, Outward Bound semester courses take students deep into the earth’s most fascinating places. From volcanoes that create warm water just perfect for... READ MORE
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, we at Outward Bound wanted to add some excitement to the traditional Thanksgiving meal. For those adventurous spirits who want to get outside, why not invite your family and friends to a backcountry feast? From location to recipes to practicing... READ MORE
College admissions season is in full swing. With a January 1 application deadline racing toward us, now is a great time to be brainstorming, creating, polishing and revising those essays. In September we published a blog post that provided a... READ MORE
Brendan O’Byrne served in Battle Company with the 173rd Airborne in Afghanistan in 2007-2008. He is a two-time Outward Bound alum. We have come to know Brendan as a kind, compassionate, reflective, and thoughtful person that possesses a seemingly endless... READ MORE
We are thrilled to share that Hurricane Island Outward Bound School has partnered with The Island School to offer sailing courses in The Bahamas! Similar to Outward Bound, the Island School is focused on offering transformative educational opportunities which foster a process of inquiry... READ MORE
Our Intercept Program is nationally renowned for its effective, compassionate approach to walking teens through difficult seasons of life. The learning model behind these courses provide a structured, supportive environment, where teens and young adults can focus on who they... READ MORE
“The Outward Bound experience is worthy in and of itself. The lessons and experience can provide the seeds of a wisdom that may – in the long run – outgrow one’s college experience. The introspection and confidence one takes from... READ MORE
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