As with any career, it takes time spent in the outdoors-leading trips, hiking trails and canoeing rivers-to feel comfortable about the terrain. As an Outward Bound Instructor, I studied youth development, knots, maps, read books on hiking, learned about gear... READ MORE
One cold February day while I was still in college, my roommate brought in our mail, and for the first time in years, I had a handwritten letter addressed to me. The return address was that of a program... READ MORE
What did you hope to get out of a spring break in the past? How can you apply those same desires to a unique present that we couldn’t have anticipated? 2020 taught us to throw expectations out the window.... READ MORE
What even is school right now? With students and teachers, school faculty and staff forging a path through overgrown, nearly-impossible-to-navigate, terrain—I can only imagine how challenging it must be emotionally for our young people. New, unprecedented circumstances bring about... READ MORE
With new COVID-19 practices in place, we caught up with our Alumni to hear about their recent course experiences. As I walk out the door to my house, I check for four things: wallet, keys, phone and mask—an essential list... READ MORE
Core, quadriceps, glutes, calves and hamstrings—these muscle groups all play a vital role in outdoor performance. Target them with these four exercises. Are you ready to dive into backcountry travel this year? From long-distance backpacking to mountaineering, from dog sledding... READ MORE
Since the onset of COVID, we’ve continually been reminded of several lessons we all learned in elementary school, like the importance of washing our hands and staying home if we feel unwell. However, we’ve learned some new, much more challenging... READ MORE
2020 was one big ball of stress, and just because the year came to an end doesn’t mean that stress dissipates. Of course, we all want to press the reset button, but more so, we want to make amends... READ MORE
Dear Outward Bound Community, With the rest of our country and the world, we watched yesterday as shocking events unfolded at the nation’s Capitol, as a group of rioters violently disrupted what was meant to be the first steps in... READ MORE
As a leadership school, we know that in times of uncertainty, the leaders that shine are the ones who are obsessed with learning. We lean into failure and push each other to stretch past our comfort zones. Why? Because we... READ MORE
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