Outward Bound USA is on a staff retreat 2/24-2/28. Scheduled calls will resume 3/3. Responses to other inquiries will be delayed. Thank you for your understanding.
Whether you’re a first-time learner or just need a little refresh, these three basic knots and the knowledge to tie them are good skills to keep in your back pocket. I recently asked my girlfriend to list her top... READ MORE
Not everything you need for the outdoors has to be bought brand new. This outdoor gear guide will help you answer the question—”buy new or used?” With the massive growth in outdoor recreation, many of us are getting excited... READ MORE
Semester Alum, Mac Gaither provides a bird’s eye view into his expedition learnings through his own words and photography. It was day 59 of our 63-day Leadership Semester program. We’d climbed mountains on top of mesas, canoed the Lower Canyons... READ MORE
Through our educational and community partnerships across the U.S., students in public schools growing in new and creative ways. Wilderness and adventure have always been at the deepest root of Outward Bound’s story…but did you know our outdoor programs serve... READ MORE
From water sourcing to purifying treatments, learn the tips to stay hydrated and healthy on your next outdoor adventure. A beautiful part of being Outward Bound is being removed from our daily comforts. When there isn’t a tap with running... READ MORE
Discover how leadership skills learned through an Outward Bound gap year program transition into lives of leadership in students back home. You just finished up a gap year program with Outward Bound. You’re ready to take a normal shower, eat... READ MORE
Having come through the past sixteen months, we understand the importance of community and connection more than ever. But as adults, we may often forget how it felt as youth to not know anyone else like yourself and maybe not... READ MORE
No fuel, no problem! Discover five creative ways to enjoy delicious food on the trail without using a camp stove. You’re all set to go on a summer adventure. You’ve measured out your meals and mapped out your routes. But... READ MORE
How do you properly prepare for a hot summer hike? We have the guide to get you started. Record-breaking heatwaves have plagued the West Coast for the past several weeks, and we aren’t even to the hottest part of the... READ MORE
Learn how to develop a healthy self-image through intentional daily practices. Have you ever heard the phrase, “who are you when the world isn’t watching?” Meaning, who is your real self, stripped away from the labels, stories and standards you’ve... READ MORE
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