“Lose yourself in nature and find peace.” Ralph Waldo Emerson There is a common misconception that Outward Bound courses are only for teens and young adults. Even upon hearing that Outward Bound has courses for adults, many adults wonder if... READ MORE
Learn the benefits of completing an AmeriCorps term and how to use your Education Award or 529 Plan to continue your outdoor education with Outward Bound. Each year, 40,000 students enter the Outward Bound field. Led by the industry’s best... READ MORE
Empirical and anecdotal data confirm* what Outward Bound suspected all along: the gap year experience is a powerful thing. Situated in that crucial period between high school and the freshman year of college, or between undergraduate and graduate degrees, Gap Year... READ MORE
Continuing in it’s tradition, Outward Bound Staff Members, Instructors and Directors from across the U.S. have put together a summer reading list for outdoor enthusiasts, adventure seekers and courageous spirits. The list contains everything from popular new favorites such as Wild to... READ MORE
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your... READ MORE
It was October 19, 2014. I was sitting in the noisy Merced Amtrak Station, waiting for the bus to take me back home to Sacramento, California. Fresh from a 50-day High Sierra Instructor Development course with Outward Bound California (OBCA),... READ MORE
(But Doesn’t Know It Yet) Parents often have brilliant ideas about what their kids should do during the summer. And kids – especially teenagers – often have their own, quite different notions. Although some teens and parents never quite see... READ MORE
The adults who enroll on our Outward Bound Adult courses are unequivocally brave. They have taken a precious week of vacation to go spend time in the wilderness with a group of complete strangers. They have said goodbye to their... READ MORE
Our second post as part of the Outward Bound Course Memories: Staff Edition series is narrated from the point of view of National Director of the Outward Bound Veterans program, Chad Spangler. Chad had the distinct honor to accompany a... READ MORE
At Outward Bound, the emphasis is on the students – what they have learned – how they have grown – how they have challenged themselves. Each expedition we offer is built on a powerful expeditionary learning framework designed to encourage... READ MORE
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