Outward Bound USA is on a staff retreat 2/24-2/28. Scheduled calls will resume 3/3. Responses to other inquiries will be delayed. Thank you for your understanding.
On an Outward Bound expedition, trust is crucial. Students need to trust Instructors to provide for their basic needs of safety, food, water and shelter, as well as trust each other to act in the best interest of the... READ MORE
If you’ve been around Outward Bound for any amount of time you’ve probably heard a story or two about Kurt Hahn. As an educational reformer, Hahn is known for his fundamental developments in experiential education. He founded Outward Bound... READ MORE
In May of 2020, amidst a world that seemed out of control, a phenomenon occurred. During stay-at-home orders, many of us took to our kitchens and backyards to create meals, source food and plant new seeds. People began to... READ MORE
Skills from your Outward Bound course have a way of popping up in unexpected places in your life after an expedition. Since the beginning of the pandemic this year, many of our lives changed dramatically. In some ways, they’ve... READ MORE
During a typical summer, I spend my days backpacking across the Sierra Nevada mountain range as an Outward Bound Instructor. These past few months, however, have been quite a change from my typical schedule. During this time of the pandemic,... READ MORE
While Outward Bound is well-known for its youth expeditionary programs, some can be surprised to learn that we also offer courses for adults. These courses range in length, with options for those over 55, specifically for women, veterans, young... READ MORE
Increasing worldwide temperatures, longer droughts, more intense storms, rising sea levels, heightened wildfires—as the environmental impacts of climate change continue to display themselves in our world, the pressure to act is imminent. Our planet is taking a direct hit... READ MORE
You certainly don’t have to be an iron chef to cook in the backcountry, but you might become one with all the opportunities to feed yourself and others on the trail. Food is fuel and everyone needs to eat to... READ MORE
A few minutes into your Outward Bound course, you may think, “I’m nervous. I’m excited. I hope people like me.” A few days into the course, you may think, “I can’t do this. My body can’t do this. I want... READ MORE
Conflict can be the result of bringing different people together in a stressful situation, or from a situation where the best path forward is unclear. Conflict is no stranger on Outward Bound courses, and our students learn conflict shouldn’t be... READ MORE
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