Originally published May 24, 2017 and updated on February 7, 2022. What comes to mind when you hear the word “mountaineering?” Perhaps you picture climbers roped together in single file making their way to the summit of a big mountain?... READ MORE
Originally published on September 20, 2016 and updated on November 3, 2021. Whether you’re cross-country skiing, dog sledding, snowshoeing, hiking or snowboarding, getting outside during winter is a special experience. Winter camping trips mean lots of hot drinks, the crunch of fresh snow... READ MORE
There’s something powerful about going out into the backcountry, be it for an hour on a day hike, or for a few overnight camping trips or even more. Going out means setting aside modern life for a while. It means taking... READ MORE
Life is a journey, and sometimes it can be challenging to find our way. Our Pathfinder course for young adults is an outdoor program designed to give you tools to navigate the challenges and decisions ahead. On a Pathfinder... READ MORE
Yes, we offer expeditions during the summer, however we’re not a summer camp. Keep reading to learn more. From a distance, Outward Bound may sound similar to summer camp. While there’s some overlap, like fun outdoor activities, adventure and sleeping... READ MORE
“It is difficult today to leave one’s friends and family and deliberately practice the art of solitude, for an hour, or a day or a week. And yet, when it is done, I find there is a quality to being... READ MORE
This year, National Public Lands Day is celebrated on September 22. For information on events in your area, go to: https://www.neefusa.org/npld. What are U.S. Public Lands? Our public lands are national parks, national forests, national monuments, national wildlife refuges, and... READ MORE
My first backpacking trip when I was just out of high school was fraught with first-timer mistakes. We camped right next to the only spring, and it was dry in summer. Critters kept us awake all night as they arrived... READ MORE
Taylor Sinason decided she wanted to do something different with her life so she quit her job working at Whole Foods, packed up her apartment and enrolled in an Outdoor Educator expedition with Outward Bound. These courses prepare students to pursue careers in... READ MORE
Whether you’re a seasoned camping enthusiast or you’ve never camped before, there are some essential things you need to know for a comfortable, safe and fun experience. On an Outward Bound course, all of your camping equipment is provided for... READ MORE