Outward Bound USA is on a staff retreat 2/24-2/28. Scheduled calls will resume 3/3. Responses to other inquiries will be delayed. Thank you for your understanding.
Outward Bound courses create young leaders through educational programs in the wilderness. Our Financial Aid and Scholarship program is guided by a single principle: Every person should be given the opportunity to experience adventure and challenge, develop character and compassion, and learn leadership skills and service ethics, regardless of financial ability.
Thanks to generous donations from alumni, parents, corporations, foundations and others, Outward Bound’s network of regional schools provides financial aid and scholarships to more than 6,000 students each year.
Financial aid and scholarships are based on need, motivation, and awarded on a first-come, first-served basis by the Outward Bound School where your course is offered.
Financial aid and scholarship awards typically average between 10% and 30% of the course tuition. Individuals should not expect to receive awards that exceed more than 30% of course tuition.
Financial aid and scholarship awards do not cover transportation to and from the course start location, or personal expenses such as clothing, insurance, airfare and baggage fees.
To request an application for financial aid and scholarships, please proceed with the following steps:
1. Select the Outward Bound course you wish to enroll and complete the enrollment form online or by phone (toll free) at 1(866) 467-7651.
Please Note: Outward bBound requires a $500 enrollment processing fee to be submitted with the Intercept Enrollment Form. This deposit is applied toward the total cost of tuition and fees for the course. If you apply for financial aid and do not qualify and and formally decline the award by the deadline or need to withdraw your enrollment, this deposit is fully refundable.
2. You can complete the Enrollment Form online by clicking the green “Enroll” button next to the course number or by phone (toll-free) 866-467-7651.
3. On the Enrollment Form, be sure to answer “Yes” to the question asking if you are interested in applying for financial aid.
4. Within two business days of submitting your enrollment form you should expect to receive an email for additional enrollment materials, including a financial aid application from the Outward Bound School where your course if offered.
5. Complete your financial aid application and return by the stated deadline. Timely completion of paperwork will assist the Outward Bound School with determining the award they are able to offer you.
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