Unleash your inner adventurer on a thrilling 12-day expedition through the heart of Costa Rica.
Learn the art of whitewater rafting as you navigate two of the country's most iconic rivers, Rio Pacuare and Rio Sarapiquí, and immerse yourself in the idyllic surroundings of this tropical landscape.
Under the guidance of expert instructors, you'll acquire the necessary knowledge and skills on the Rio Sarapiquí to paddle Class II, II, and IV rapids, transforming from novice to confident paddler—learning essential strokes, deciphering how to read the rivers’ lines, and mastering safety techniques. Bond with your team as you conquer exhilarating rapids, work together to overcome challenges, and celebrate shared triumphs.
Along the river, enjoy spotting waterfalls that drop from steep forested canyons and wildlife along the jungle banks. Nights will be split between a treehouse-style lodge and camping as you prepare meals, learn about local traditions, and discover what it means to be connected to the environment around you.
Through this transformative journey of discovery, teamwork, and adrenaline-pumping excitement, you’ll immerse yourself in the lush rainforest, encounter breathtaking landscapes, and create unforgettable memories that will last a lifetime.
For detailed information on course availability statuses and what they mean,
click here.
Course # HCYR-2532
14 - 16
8/3/2025 - 8/14/2025
string(222) "/enrollment/?tfa_169=HCYR-2532&tfa_4485=14&tfa_4487=16&tfa_173=08%2F03%2F2025&tfa_175=08%2F14%2F2025&tfa_4533=887&tfa_4417=No&tfa_2706=4360&tfa_2707=150&tfa_2708=150&tfa_2710=0&tfa_4420=500&tfa_4539=&tfa_5239=NA&tfa_5230=1"
This means a course has several open spots and is actively processing applications.
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For detailed information on course availability statuses and what they mean,
click here.
Thank you for your interest in Outward Bound!
This course starts within the next week. Please call us at 866-467-7651 to assess the possibility of applying for this course!
APPLY NOW This means a course has several open spots and is actively processing applications.
APPLY NOW – Almost Full This means there are three or fewer currently available spots left on a course. To secure your spot click Apply Now to begin an application!
JOIN WAITLIST Once a course has reached capacity, three waitlist positions become available. To join a course’s waitlist, click “Join Waitlist” to begin the application process. A $500 deposit is required. This $500 deposit includes a $150 non-refundable application fee and a $350 tuition payment. The $350 tuition payment is refundable only if you cancel your waitlist application or if an open position does not become available. If a position does become available, the applicant will be applied to the open position and the Application and Cancellation Policies of the Regional Outward Bound School will be followed, including forfeiture of the $500 deposit if you cancel 90 days or less prior to the course start date.
Waitlist applicants are encouraged to complete all required admissions documents while awaiting an open position. Positions may become available up to two weeks prior to the course start date. Applicants may only apply to one course. We recommend applying to a course with open positions instead of a course that is accepting waitlist applications. If you have questions, please call 866-467-7651 to speak with one of our Admissions Advisors.
CALL TO APPLY This means a course is very close to its start date. Although it is unlikely to secure a spot this late, you can call the National Admissions office at 866-467-7651 to discuss your options.
COURSE IS FULL When a course has reached maximum capacity, meaning all spots and the three waitlist spots are occupied, a course will read “Course Is Full.” This means applications are no longer being accepted.
CLOSED As a course nears its start date, the availability status may read “Closed.” In this event, a course roster has been finalized and applications are no longer being accepted or processed.
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Sample Itinerary
Arrival, orientation, and expedition preparation
Transfer to Sarapiqui River (Class II-III), stay overnight in a secluded treehouse-style lodge
Rafting Sarapiquí - learning the ropes of white water rafting/kayaking
Expedition prep & transfer to the Pacuare area
Pacuare expedition (Class III-IV)
Return to base, gear de-issue, cleaning, final celebration dinner.
Make new friends, sleep under the stars, and learn skills for outdoor adventure. Outward Bound’s Classic expeditions are designed to empower middle and high school students with the tools and confidence they need to navigate life’s ever-changing tides. By taking on challenges outdoors, students discover their strengths, make meaningful connections and return home with the skills needed to embark on bold futures.
Develop Connections.Bond with your crew by having fun and engaging in meaningful conversations.
Learn Outdoor Skills.Cook delicious meals outside, navigate with a map, and build a backcountry campsite.
Practice Leadership and Teamwork.Learn to be both a leader and team player.
Build Confidence that Lasts a Lifetime.Discover your unique strengths.
With the help of our expert instructors, during whitewater training students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to paddle Class II, III, and IV rapids. Depending on water levels, students paddle in inflatable kayaks or a raft. If comfortable, students can even try guiding the raft through some rapids. The group will start on the Sarapiquí River as they practice paddling techniques and get used to reading the lines of the river. This will prepare them for an overnight expedition on the Pacuare River which can see up to Class IV Rapids.
Students need only to be physically fit and motivated to learn and work together. No previous wilderness experience is necessary—all travel and leadership skills are taught from the beginning, and each phase of the expedition builds on the previous one. The initiative, teamwork, and problem-solving skills that they take away from their course will help them reach any horizons they strive for.
The river environments of Costa Rica provide a perfect backdrop for expanding wilderness travel skills. This small tropical nation is fast becoming a renowned destination for whitewater rafting, surfing, rainforest trekking, and eco-adventures in general. About the size of West Virginia, Costa Rica has a variety of climates including tropical dry forest, rainforest, and cloud forest. The group will initially stay at our high elevation rainforest basecamp before adventuring to the rivers of Costa Rica. The Sarapiquí River and The Pacuare River provide Costa Rica with exceptional rafting conditions year-round for adventurers of all levels. While staying at a tranquil treehouse-style lodge students can learn about the local flora and fauna through the expertise of the owners who constructed the lodge amidst this nature-lover’s paradise.
These regions are the ancestral lands of the Chorotega, Malécu, Rama, Bostos, Nicarao/Nahoa, Huetar, Tjer-di/Teribe Broram, Brunka, Bribri, Buglé and Ngäbé nations.
If you are ready to enroll on a course click the enroll button next to the course you wish to select or you can enroll over the phone by speaking with one of our Customer Success Specialists (toll-free) at 866-467-7651.
To secure your spot on a course you must submit an enrollment form and $500 deposit that is applied toward the total cost of the course and includes a $150 non-refundable enrollment processing fee.