As local conditions allow and Outward Bound welcomes students on course, we want to share the health and safety protocols we have developed, and provide you with the information you need to support your health and the health of others on your course and in your community.
Outward Bound’s Safety Directors, Staff and Instructors, and experts across our industry have helped to develop Outward Bound’s enhanced health and safety procedures. Staff and students have been in the field, utilizing our systems with success. We have been doing all this work with you in mind and our goal of delivering the life-changing Outward Bound experiences we are known for.
We look forward to working with you under these enhanced guidelines.
All Outward Bound staff will be subject to the same strict screening and testing procedures, outlined below.
All Outward Bound staff will follow strict COVID-19 operating procedures, and will instruct and support Students in following the same standards.
Outward Bound Instructors have received enhanced safety and health training related to COVID-19. This includes managing mitigation efforts, symptom monitoring and responding to signs and symptoms of respiratory illness.
Outward Bound support staff have developed enhanced cleaning, sanitation, and transportation procedures.
Outward Bound will coach students to observe diligent physical distancing practices during the 14-days prior to course start. This includes:
Staying home as much as possible
When out of the home, keeping six feet of distance from other people as much as possible
Washing or sanitizing hands frequently, and always after touching surfaces that other people touch (such as elevator buttons, handrails, door pulls and fuel pump handles)
Avoiding crowded spaces, including public transportation
Wearing a mask when close proximity to people in public spaces is unavoidable
Avoiding contact with people who are sick
Students are required to be tested for a COVID-19 infection no more than 72 hours prior to course start. Alternatively, Schools may decide to test students upon arrival at course start.
Students are required to be free of COVID-19 symptoms at course start and for the 72 hours prior to course start.
Students may be required to travel to course start by private transportation. The use of airlines, trains, or buses may be allowed for return trips. The final decision is up to the regional Outward Bound School running the course.
Students (and parents of minor students) will sign a COVID-19 Statement of Understanding. This document clearly outlines the mitigation steps Outward Bound is taking, expectations of students, and the risks associated with COVID-19.
Students will be screened for COVID-19 signs and symptoms upon arrival, including a temperature check.
Some course starts may include a COVID-19 test.
Students who have symptoms and/or test positive will be isolated and not permitted to join their group.
Staff will conduct daily temperature and symptom checks.
Staff will thoroughly teach and supervise hygiene practices. These will include:
Handwashing and equipment cleaning routines
Respiratory etiquette including stepping away from others and coughing and sneezing into one’s crooked arm or shoulder
Not touching one’s face with unwashed hands
Not sharing personal items like water bottles, towels or face coverings, for example
Hygienic food preparation and serving
Groups will utilize some physical distancing practices when practicable and will wear face coverings when required.
Groups will be kept physically distant from one another and the public.
If a student exhibits COVID-19 symptoms during a course, they will be evacuated for testing. Upon receiving a negative test, and with the advice of a healthcare professional, the student may be able to return to the group.
If a student has a probable or confirmed case of COVID-19, Outward Bound will consult local public health authorities to determine whether to have other students in the same group evacuated and/or tested.
If a student tests positive for COVID-19, they will leave the course. A parent (or family appointed guardian) of minor students is required to take over their care, preferably within 24-hours, but no later than 48 hours).
We are extremely excited to meet our new students and head back into the field this fall. And, we have been thinking a lot about the value of teamwork and that we truly are “crew, not passengers” – it’s in our hands to make this work, together. We are incredibly grateful for you and your understanding and support as we navigate a year unlike any other. Should you have questions, please call one of our Admissions Advisors at 866-467-7651.
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