Today, we honor an extraordinary individual: Lee B. Skold. For twenty years, Lee has been a guiding force at Outward Bound USA and the Voyageur Outward Bound School (VOBS). His commitment as a leader, board member, and friend has profoundly impacted countless lives. Through challenges and triumphs, Lee’s dedication has inspired both students and supporters alike. Lee’s tenure on the OBUSA Board spanned 17 years, concluding earlier this fall. Although his role on the board has ended, his care and influence endure.
“The founder of VOBS, Bob Pieh, used to say, ‘Be tough yet gentle, humble yet bold, swayed always by beauty and truth.’ To me, this is how Lee leads, with a capacity for great care without sacrificing strength and conviction. We’re grateful for all he’s given to Outward Bound,” says Ginger Naylor, CEO of Outward Bound USA.
Lee, retired from a 36-year-long career with Cargill in 2012, has made a significant impact, both internally and externally, at Outward Bound. As a board member, he consistently brought his business acumen and problem-solving skills to the table, contributing to the development of more effective strategies and decisions for the organization. Lee recognizes the critical role of a strong network of Outward Bound Schools across the country and his leadership has been instrumental in efforts to protect and strengthen its cohesion.
Current OBUSA Board Chair, Catherine Smith, shared, “Lee’s dynamic and compassionate leadership has supported Outward Bound through challenge and success. He anchored us through some of the greatest challenges in our organization’s history, when we needed constancy and confidence. He’s also driven and encouraged bold change while ensuring the organization never loses sight of its greatest responsibility – the individual student experience.”
Expanding the organization’s network of supporters is crucial, and Lee has excelled in this area. He has been described as a world-class promoter and cheerleader for Outward Bound, demonstrating how to broaden the organization’s reach; from generously introducing the organization to his personal and professional networks, to rallying friends to participate in invitationals, Lee serves as a model for effective outreach. His efforts have personally attracted dozens of new supporters and board members, laying the groundwork for a more robust future for the organization.
“Lee Skold’s transformational leadership efforts throughout his tenure are well known and he has been critical for the Outward Bound network,” says Jack Lee, Executive Director of the Voyageur Outward Bound School. “Lee and Peg Skold have been an important part of the success of the Voyageur Outward Bound School (VOBS), helping to create the Twin Cites Center, providing generous support and always being available to VOBS leaders for advice.”
In 2017, Lee and his wife, Peg, received Outward Bound USA’s Kurt Hahn Award, the highest form of recognition conferred by Outward Bound, for his contributions. This award, established by the Outward Bound USA Board of Directors in 1982, recognizes individuals who have dedicated their lives to serving others, embodying the educational vision of Kurt Hahn, the founder of Outward Bound Additionally, Lee and Peg received the LEADERS OF DISTINCTION AWARD at the School’s 60th Anniversary Circle Up.

Lee and Peg Skold, Photo Provided by VOBS
In celebration of this profound influence, we extend our deepest appreciation to Lee and his dedication to making outdoor education programs with Outward Bound accessible to countless students across the country.
Read on to discover more about his tenure on the Outward Bound USA Board through a Q&A with Lee himself.
How did you become involved with Outward Bound, and what kept you around?
LS: As a young person, I was deeply involved in scouting, YMCA camps, and hunting. These outdoor experiences have always been integral to my development and growth. My brother, who took a Boundary Waters course right out of high school, raved about it. So, when the opportunity to join the VOBS board came up when we moved back home from England in the late 1990s, I eagerly jumped at the chance to serve. I stayed around first because of the profound impact we can have on people’s lives, and equally because I felt a strong connection to the people who deliver the mission.
How do you resonate with the Outward Bound mission and vision?
LS: Outward Bound is more crucial in today’s world than ever. Our teams must continue to do our work to refresh our mission to ensure its relevance. I strongly believe we need to serve all types of students, both in urban and wilderness environments.
What is the greatest strength of the OBUSA Board of Directors?
LS: It is a deeply committed group of individuals who are passionate about seeing Outward Bound in the US succeed.
What is an unexpected lesson you’ve learned?
LS: I have learned how hard, yet rewarding, it is to succeed in a nonprofit education organization in today’s environment. The challenge of when to intervene and when to be in support mode is crucial and ongoing.
Of the many contributions you’ve made to the Board during your service, what is the boldest contribution that you’re most proud of?
LS: I assumed the role of Board Chair during our most financially strained period. Assisting the external stakeholders navigate through those difficult times has been one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life.
In your own words, what makes Outward Bound, Outward Bound?
LS: It all comes back to the Kurt Hahn philosophy. Our approach to structured learning, leadership, and teamwork is second to none.
How do you hope to see Outward Bound in the USA continue to be a leader in the fields of outdoor education and youth development?
LS: I hope to see OBUSA continue to be a leader in the field by expanding our programs to reach a wider range of students. This involves continuing to strengthen our collaboration with the Regional Outward Bound Schools, backed by a world-class national organization, Outward Bound USA, that establishes the direction and provides top-notch resources for best practices.
Why do young people need programs like Outward Bound now more than ever?
LS: There are countless challenges and distractions facing today’s youth. When Outward Bound first started in the US, a significant portion of the population had some exposure to the outdoors, which provided a unique opportunity for learning and growth in that environment. However, social pressures, income disparities, the influence of social media, and a shift in educational emphasis, have led many families to shy away from taking these same risks and committing to learning in this unique approach. It’s crucial that we continue to find ways to overcome these barriers.
What advice would you give prospective Board members interested in joining Outward Bound leadership?
LS: Be present. It is a working Board that needs a diversity of talent and strengths. If everyone shows up, it will continue to be successful.
Are you interested in joining a crew of ambitious leaders passionate about youth development and outdoor education?
Outward Bound USA is always on the lookout for new, bold leaders to join our esteemed Board of Directors. While we welcome applications and nominations on a rolling basis, our primary recruitment season is January-May and closes on May 31st each year. Finalists participate in extended conversations and interviews throughout the summer in preparation for the Board’s annual Fall meeting where the Board reviews and approves each year’s incoming class of new members. Learn more about Outward Bound USA Board membership and the application process here.