"Since our return home we have all been forced to reinvent who we are and how we will fit back into the world we left behind. This trip has given me confidence, hope, and a sense of peace that I thought haven't had since before my deployment to Afghanistan." – Brandon
"My experience in Iraq has left my life empty and miserable. I smiled and laughed more in the last week than in the last three years combined." – Victor
"I am a two-time combat vet that rarely has time to enjoy life. This is a new beginning for me and has lifted e out of my depressed state of mind. This program has given me a reason to start living and not want to die. Thank you!" – Jacob
"Probably more important was my realization that they could have spent two years of weekly individual psychotherapy, and not reaped the therapeutic benefits of being on the ocean for 6 days as part of a team with a common objective" – Dr. Sharon Wills
Outward Bound for Veterans helps thousands of service members and veterans readjust to life at home through powerful wilderness courses that draw on the healing benefit of teamwork and challenge through use of the natural world.
Our veterans courses are open to active duty military and veterans. All applicants to our veterans courses will be asked to verify their service.
We welcome veterans back to take a second course after your first course has been completed, but ask that alumni not enroll on two courses in the same year. Veteran courses allow for an applicant to complete two courses total. Given the limited space available on our courses priority will always be given to those who have not attended a course with us previously. However, if you have been deployed since your last veterans’ course, you are welcome to apply again and we will reserve a spot on course for you right away. Browse courses below, or learn more about Veterans program here.
To reduce an extremely high cancel rate for these fully funded courses, we now require applicants to submit a $50 non-refundable Commitment Fee at time of enrollment. If this fee is a financial barrier, please call our National Admissions Office at 866-467-7651 to request a Commitment Fee Waiver. The waiver process includes submitting a Statement of Commitment confirming your intent to follow through with this program.Reducing revolving enrollments helps us keep our course inventory more accessible. Thank you for your cooperation.
Please note: Outward Bound expeditions for Veterans are designed for individuals (who do not already know each other) to come together to form an inclusive crew, work together to overcome adversity, and use the environment they’re in to learn as a team. If you have a group of 3 or more Veterans who already know each other, we have a different experience for that: please contact our Customer Success Team at 866-467-7651 to talk about custom group programs or fill out Custom Programs Form.