Outward Bound USA is on a staff retreat 2/24-2/28. Scheduled calls will resume 3/3. Responses to other inquiries will be delayed. Thank you for your understanding.
Build connections. Develop your leadership skills.
Travel with your crew through remote, rugged settings and broaden your worldview while building your confidence, leadership, and communication skills. These accredited expeditions are designed for those seeking a challenging and formative experience through an unforgettable adventure.
Our Semester courses are tough. And worth every blister and bug bite because you’re tough, too. You’ll discover that as you explore awesome backcountry, forge lifelong connections with your crew, and gain hands-on leadership training that will continue to serve you long after you return home.
An Outward Bound Semester offers lessons that will enrich and expand the way you see yourself, the world, and what’s possible. And with itineraries that span the globe, these expeditions are far more than stamps in a passport; they are life-affirming learning opportunities.
Outward Bound is accredited with the American Gap Association and is the longest running program in this elite group dedicated to providing supportive, meaningful and high-caliber educational experiences to students.